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necessary bandwidth中文是什么意思

用"necessary bandwidth"造句"necessary bandwidth"怎么读"necessary bandwidth" in a sentence


  • 必需带宽
  • 必要带宽
  • 必要频带宽


  • Designation of radio emissions and determination of necessary bandwidths
  • If you have the necessary bandwidth to download over 130 mb , you might consider downloading the full microsoft . net software development kit ( sdk )
    如果你有带宽,可以考虑下载微软的全部. net软件开发工具包( sdk ) ,它的大小超过130兆
  • Asymmetric digital subscriber line can supply the necessary bandwidth for applications such as fast access to the internet , video conferencing , interactive multimedia , and videoon - demand . this technology is designed to solve the most severe bottleneck in the data access network between the central office and the customer , or end - user
    Adsl可以为许多应用提供必要的带宽,如快速接入internet ,视频会议,交互式多媒体技术以及视频点播等,可以解决在局端和用户端之间接入网络速率让人难以忍受的速率瓶颈问题。
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